The FCC Plans to Protect Internet Openness
Dr. F. Dominguez,
A fter a month of waiting, FCC
Chairman Tom Wheeler responded to last month's court decision overturning the
FCC's net neutrality rules.Today the FCC proposed a series of actions that
would leave consumers in
charge when it comes to their online experience.
These proposed actions could enhance transparency for consumers
, so they know if and when their Internet service provider is slowing down or
blocking online content, and includes a commitment to restore the
protections of the no-blocking and non-discrimination rules. The proposal
could also enhance
broadband competition by reducing barriers to
municipality-built networks.

Knowledge is happy to see that the FCC
plans to protect Internet openness, promote transparency, encourage
municipal broadband, and achieve other goals. But while plans
are important, actions will have the real impact. We will continue to push the FCC to turn its plans to
protect Internet openness into concrete and enforceable rules.
the recently proposed acquisition of Time Warner Cable by Comcast makes it even
more important for the Commission to move expeditiously to reinstate nondiscrimination
rules by using all regulatory tools available.
are unsure if the FCC's initial focus on section 706 will yield meaningful
results, but we are encouraged to see that the FCC plans to keep its
reclassification proceeding open. If the FCC cannot find a way to implement
meaningful protections under section 706, we will continue to urge them to do
so under Title II.
for your support,
Public Knowledge Team
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